Детали приложения:
Версия: 1.0
Дата загрузки: 9 May 18
Тип распространения: Бесплатная
Популярность: 738
Размер: 984 Kb
The war and aggression came to far-away fantastic country. All the characters armed to conquer the territory for their kind. Restore the peace in this country - find and punish the main trouble-maker. Your comrades-in-arms and bonus shop will help you in that. Get the money in battle and reinforce your character, for him to be able to easily smash to smithereens anyone who does not agree with his opinion.
Game features:
- �?гра полностью на русском языке;
- магазин обновлений;
- развлекательная и красочная графика;
- сгенерированные комментарии символов;
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